It’s in You
I'm back with another tennis allusion (cue dance smiley). I had one of my best tennis games ever one day, and I was astounded that I could play such a beautiful game. I was on fire, and I didn't want it to stop. My coach was overjoyed because every shot was a home run and everything was in sync. I kept wondering where this was coming from while playing the game because I felt like I was on steroids. My coach responded, "It's in you," I asked, and every time I asked again, he responded with the same answer. I consciously paused after he had answered for a while and truly heard what he was saying; it was in me. I wasn't on steroids, I think that day, I just accessed a side of my tennis game that I had not accessed before. And since I always try to relate everything to real life, this made a ton of sense to me. One of my favourite proverbs is "everyone has some good in them." There is good in everyone; you just have to dig deep enough to find it.
Many times, we reduce ourselves to the version of ourselves that we can see right now, and we define our strengths based on our accumulated strengths right now, forgetting that there is more where that came from. It is sometimes easier, if not more convenient, to believe that at each point in your life when you are giving your best, you believe that is the highest point, that you see that level as the pinnacle of yourself, and that it is impossible to give more. This is also why it may appear to be a lot easier to look outside and glorify people who are doing the things you want to do but never imagine yourself doing for a variety of reasons. You then begin to doubt yourself and your capacity to achieve greatness. So, yes, people differ, we have different strengths, gifts and talents, perseverance, ambition, and context, but on the surface, we all have the potential to achieve great things. We may all have different definitions of what it means to be great, but at our various levels, we all have the ability to do the things we've always wanted to do. We can't keep allowing our struggles to define our strengths, we can't keep defining ourselves by the present we see, we have to believe that there's more and it's not far from you, it's within you.
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
It's all within you; it has been with you since the day you were born until now. It is waiting for you to access it, and it may take growth, challenges, experiences, education, and other factors to do so, but it is within you and waiting for you to unlock it. It's in you, and you'll realize at some point that the greatness you seek is within you, and I can't wait to see you soar.