2021 — The Year of Many Firsts.
2021 was such a huge year for me in so many ways. I took on risks, tried new things, put myself out there beyond what I would have thought. Whilst thinking about the experiences I have had in the past year, 2021 was the year of many firsts for me. Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am not big on risks which is why 2021 was such a landmark year for me. I’ll explain and give a summary of my year using the following buckets; Entrepreneurship, God/Ministry, Family and Friends, Growth, ‘Career’ and 2022.
This is an area that I pushed myself into. Entrepreneurship for me covers coaching, speaking, creating products that help personal development for people and growth in general. This is a new area for me and there seem to be no written guidelines or manual to follow which is very frustrating on some days. But on most days, this is a blessing and delight as creating and sharing your story as they happen is such a beautiful experience. In the last year, I recorded a new course for people on visualization, created the value cards, created the brag book, stayed consistent with our monthly sessions and just embraced new ideas. This year also saw us selling new products for the first time and creating products that have made zero sales up to this point. Wild o. But, this has been such a thrilling experience and I am grateful to be able to tell this story and keep creating my path and inspiring others along the way.
You can check our year in pictures via this post on substack -https://motleyinspires.substack.com/p/our-year-in-picture-and-quotes?r=tulrh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
God - Faith - Ministry
Wow. I don’t even know how to begin this. This has been the most significant part of my life in many ways. And all of the good things that have happened in my life is because I have received help. I have been positioned in places that I can’t even dream about. I have been used by God in such a way that I still do not understand. My life stinks of the glory of God stinks of the mercy I have received. This has been such a significant part of my growth and I am super super grateful to God for this. God has taught me, He has corrected me, He has moulded me, He has shielded me and all that I have is credited to him, all that I have done is because He gave me the idea, the responsibility and He has helped me execute each idea and role and I am grateful. It's hard to put what God has done for in this area but I am going to do this by listing what I am grateful for in this area;
- I am grateful for The Apejo. This is your community. What you are doing with the community blows my mind.
- I am grateful for the salt and light project. Being able to give back is an area of life that you have called me to.
- I am grateful for helping me lead the Bridge Ministry of the Elevation Church
- Thankful so much for the opportunity to take the morning prayers during a service at church
- Thank you so much for Ythx 2021
- Thank you for helping me complete the Minister's Program (MLCC)
Thank you so much for everything. All I am, All I have is because You Are.
Lmao. I called this year my year of blocking people. I remember me saying to many people at several points in the year that I did not want to make new friends. While I try not to live in regret, I believe that I could have approached this area a lot better. I think I was tired of friendship not being reciprocated, I think I was tired of feeling alone even when I knew more people so I just wanted to stop it all. But this experience grew me, I began a lot more understanding, I now tried to understand individuals behaviour and preferences. I learnt that people loved you but might not feel the need to message you daily. It was tough but I grew. So now I understand my friendships a lot better and with new friendships, I know how to handle this. I was hoping to go into a relationship in the past year but how can someone that was on a blocking spree go into one. Haha.
I was intentional about my current friendships and my immediate family. I wanted several times to let them know what they meant to me. I showed up for friends and family and put them at the top of my value list. This was such a significant area in my life and I would have it in no other way. My family and friends are God’s gift in human clothing.
Without knowing exactly what to tag this category, personal or growth seems like the best fit for now. I am particularly excited and grateful for putting myself out there in the past year. Wrote exams I have lied about taking before, applied for visas I thought I might never get, travelled, stayed consistent, grew my finances, saved more (even if I spent it), was more vocal (most times), asked for what I deserved and in general, just kept putting one foot in front of the other and doing it kindly to myself and others. I am excited for the person I am becoming and looking forward to more growth.
Career is in apostrophe because I feel like that's the best way I can describe it. I have always struggled with the definition of this as I know deep down that I am called to do several things. For some years, I have defined myself as a Marketing professional and whilst I am doing some sort of it at the moment(gotta make some money), I know deep down that I have no intention to grow into the highest position ever. I am grateful for this year because I have seen myself trying new things like design, creative director, digitization process, training and many more. These experiences have been hugely exciting for me and I am keenly looking forward to new ‘career’ experiences in the coming years ahead.
2022 — Year of Ease
2022 is going to be such an exciting year for me. It's going to be a year filled with so many great adventures and I am excited about it. This year, I am looking forward to new experiences in every area of my life, looking forward to growth and a better relationship with Christ, looking forward to reading more, studying more, speaking more, coaching more, writing more, learning more, building awesome friendships, better relationships with friends and family. This year, I want to work from a place of rest, this is going to be my year of ease, I am going to constantly stay in a place of nourishment, experience new things with God, grow more, go without fear. become kinder.
This year, I am forgetting what’s behind and pressing into new territories. It's going to be my year to EMERGE. This year, I am open to new relationships, hoping to finally get a girlfriend after so many years.
This is going to be a wild year and I am super excited.